Juneau County Agriculture

Looking for an expert to advise you on your agriculture questions? Please go to our Ask an Agriculture Question – Extension (wisc.edu) website to fill out the form and attach relevant photographs concerning your agriculture issues. Your inquiry will be responded to by an Extension staff member.

We are here to educate and respond to the needs of the agriculture community while providing resources that promote economic and environmental sustainability in Wisconsin. We apply research to challenges facing communities and businesses.

Visit our University of Wisconsin Agriculture website to find:

  • Online learning opportunities
  • Articles and fact sheets
  • Events calendar
  • Answers to your Agriculture questions
  • And more!

Agriculture Community Groups

Central Sands Groundwater County Collaborative

CSGCC Mission: To work together to meet the present and future needs for safe, high quality, reliable and sustainable drinking water.  Counties involved: Adams, Juneau, Marquette, Portage, Waushara, and Wood.  Dustin Ladd is the contact for Juneau County at 608-847-7221 Land and Water Resources Department, or dladd@county.juneau.wi.us.  For more information click here.

Farmers of Lemonweir Valley Watershed

The Producers of Lemonweir Valley Watershed are working towards the goal of imroving the water quality and soil health within the watershed.  Learn more by visiting their Facebook page or contact Dustin Ladd at 608-847-7221 or dladd@co.juneau.wi.us

Lemonweir Valley Watershed map  (Everything within the green lines is a part of the watershed.)

Producers of the Lake Redstone Watershed

The Producers of the Lake Redstone Watershed are working towards the goal of improving the water quality and soil health within the watershed.  Our unique producer-led group is using on farm research to improve conservation in and out of the watershed.  Learn more by visiting their Facebook page  or contact Dustin Ladd at 608-847-7221 or dladd@co.juneau.wi.us

Lake Redstone Watershed groups map (Everything within the green lines is a part of the watershed.)

You can also find out more about research projects in and near Juneau County at the UW Discovery Farm website.

Economic Impact of Agriculture in Juneau County

Agriculture in Juneau County generates thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of economic activity while contributing to local income and tax revenues.  Juneau County has always had a strong agricultural background and roots.  96% of farms in Juneau County are family farms.  To learn more about the economic impact, check out the Juneau County Impact Report below.  To learn about how agriculture contributed as a whole to Wisconsin, visit the UW Center for Community & Economic Development site to the Contribution of Agriculture to the Wisconsin Economy report.

Farm Bill 2018

The American Relief Act, 2025, signed into law on December 21, 2024, extended the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (also known as the 2018 Farm Bill) for one year through September 30, 2025. The 2018 farm Bill extension enables the continuation of Farm Bill-authorized programs for one year, including safety-net, price support and conservation programs available through USDA.

The 2018 Farm Bill provides support, certainty, and stability to our nation’s farmers, ranchers, and forest managers by enhancing farm support programs, improving crop insurance, maintaining disaster programs, and promoting and supporting voluntary conservation.  To help, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set up a Farmer’s Guide to the Bill to describe assistance to farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners available through the Farm Bill.  You can also contact your local USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA) office for more on participating programs available.

ARC (Agriculture Risk Coverage-County) & PLC (Private Loss Coverage) Decision Resources

This page assembles a variety of resources to help farmers (and those working with farmers) make their decisions regarding signup for the commodity support programs ARC and PLC.  The materials have a Wisconsin focus, but are not exclusively for Wisconsin, as the programs are national in scope.  You can also learn more about the programs at the USDA FSA ARC/PLC page.

Cash Rental Rates for Juneau County

As you work on negotiating your rental rates here is a short summary of 2024 Juneau County Rental Rates, the Agricultural District that Juneau County is in, and the State averages.  These rates are the averages for 2024 according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Quick Stats.  You can find more details on the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service Quick Stats website. These rents are measured in $/acre for the 2023 averages.

For more information please contact:

Extension Juneau County
220 E. State Street, Room 104, Mauston, WI 53948

(608) 847-9329