Crops and Soils – plus research, articles & publications, and Pesticide training/testing

The Extension Crops and Soils Program provides timely resources and information to help Wisconsin crop producers and their agricultural consultants manage crops efficiently and profitably.
Rows of Corn

You can find information on:

  • Crop Production and cropping systems for corn, soybeans, forages, nutrient management, soil science, commercial vegetable, and cover crops.
  • Pest Management: Information on the management of weeds, insects, and disease in Wisconsin cropping systems.
  • Ask Extension: Your opportunity to talk directly with Extension specialists and staff

Discovery Farms

Discovery Farms, a program of UW-Madison Division of Extension, is a farmer-led research and outreach program focused on the relationship between agriculture and water quality. The program is unique in that it conducts research on privately-owned farms throughout Wisconsin. Discovery Farms works with the U.S. Geological Survey to gather credible and unbiased water quality information from monitored sites.

Discovery Farms logo

Discovery Farms develops on-farm and related research to determine the economic and environmental effects of agricultural practices on a diverse group of Wisconsin farms; and educates and improves communications among the agricultural community, consumers, researchers, and policymakers to better identify and implement effective environmental management practices that are compatible with profitable agriculture.

2025 Pesticide Private Applicator Training and Testing

The guidelines for 2025 Private Pesticide Applicator training and testing are available below. There are several options for training and testing. Extension County-hosted zoom training dates and locations have been established and are now posted to the PAT Store. Be sure to read the entire document because you have other options too.

Soil Testing

The links below give you the cost, standard analysis test, optional analysis tests and cost, sampling guidelines, submission sheet, and sample soil test report.  You may pick up a soil test packet which includes the bags at the Juneau County Extension office at the address below and return the filled bags to the Extension office for submitting to the UW Soil and Forage Lab in Madison.  Test results will be mailed or emailed directly to you.  Postage cost is $10.40 for a USPS small flat rate box which holds up to 2 bags. In the Fall soil sampling is a great way to see nutrient depletion from the growing season and plan for next year’s crop needs.
Soil Sample process-Field, Vegetable and Fruit Crops
Soil Sample process-Lawn & Garden
Soil Sample process-Wildlife Food Plots

There are other certified labs in the state of Wisconsin. Review this list for additional options.

Learn how soil sampling affects lab results.

Research, articles and publications

  • 2024 Wisconsin Weed Science Research Report – The purpose of this report is to share annual research results with crop production clientele of Wisconsin. Information herein does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any particular product or practice. Information herein also does not replace any information presented on pesticide labels.
  • 2024 Wisconsin Corn Herbicide Survey – The objective of this survey is to document herbicide programs used in different Wisconsin corn production systems (e.g., tillage scenarios, atrazine prohibition areas, and silage vs grain). This survey is being conducted by Daniel Zhu, a graduate student in Dr. Rodrigo Werle’s WiscWeeds Lab. Results will be published as a part of Daniel’s MS thesis at UW-Madison. Your participation is critical for informing our research decisions, assisting us with making better recommendations, and allowing us to better provide dta for our stakeholders. Please fill out this survey and send it to fellow corn growers or consultants as well. Please mail the survey addressed to Daniel Zhu at 1575 Linden Dr, Madison, WI 53706 or scan it and send it via email to Thank you for your time and support.
  • DATCP Nitrogen Optimization Pilot Grant Program Application Period Open Through January 17, 2025. See DATCP’s Press Release. The grant application, Request for Proposals, and other application materials are now available on DATCP’s website.
  • Nitrogen Optimization Pilot Program – This program is administered by DATCP and facilitated by University of Wisconsin. It provides grants to producers that will conduct on-farm nitrogen research trials in order to use nitrogen fertilizer more efficiently while reducing nitrogen leaching. There will be an application opening in October 2024. The nitrogen Optimization Pilot Program flyer provides more information as well as 2023 Project Snapshots.

For more information please contact:

Extension Juneau County
220 E. State Street, Room 104, Mauston, WI 53948
Phone: (608) 847-9329